Happy Life App التطبيقات

Top Secrets of How to Save Money 1.4
Happy Life App
This "Top Secrets of How to Save Money" app contains helpfulinformation about saving money, and how you can easily begin havingmore in your account at the end of each week. The majority ofpeople in today’s society struggle to save. We all seem to want thenewest and the best, even if we can’t afford it. Credit cards andloans are leading people to financial ruin, and even worse, schoolsaren’t teaching us how to save properly either. In this "TopSecrets of How to Save Money" app, we will cover simple steps thatwill help you begin saving and change your attitudes to money inthe process. Money is an abundant resource, and we need to realizethere is plenty to go around. Once you have some savings, it’s easyto turn it into more and more money in a short time. Whetherthrough a business, real estate, stock market, or some other formof investing you can make a lot more money once you have someinitial savings. Here, you will learn the skills that will have yousuccessfully saving, and if you follow the steps laid out in thisbook you will be one step closer to financial freedom. This "TopSecrets of How to Save Money" app will explain to you tips andtechniques that will help you successfully reduce your expenses andsave more of your hard-earned cash. We hope this book can help you,please approach this subject with an open mind and we urge you togive these steps ago! This save money app for all especially savemoney app for students. You can save money every day to use ourapp. This does not save money calculator or save money for a houseor save money tracker. This is the app for saving money monthly,save money tips, help you save money, save money plan, or more! ☑Disclaimer: The data collected is provided free of charge forinformational purposes only, with no guarantee of whatsoever foraccuracy, validity, availability, or fitness for any purpose. Useit at your own risk. This app has no affiliation or relation withany of the social media brands.
Communication Skills Offline 1.3
Happy Life App
Communication skills free app is the most important to usbecausethese communication apps will be used for developingourcommunication skills. So, for this reason, We shouldlearncommunication english app or communication skills free booksforthe development of our communicating skills. Many times whenwework with our computers, we are completely lost in our work, andweforget to be in touch with ourselves. Or we may forget topayattention to our conversations, getting carried away injuicygossip, criticizing, complaining, or other unmindful speech.We canprogram a bell of mindfulness on our computers, and everyquarterof an hour (or as often as we like), the bell sounds and wehave achance to stop and go back to ourselves. Breathing in and outthreetimes is enough to release the tension in the body and smile,andthen we can continue our work. Disclaimer: The data collectedisprovided free of charge for informational purposes only, withnoguarantee of whatsoever for accuracy, validity, availability,orfitness for any purpose. Use at your own risk. This app hasnoaffiliation or relation with any of social media brands.
Self Help and The Destructive Ego 1.2
Happy Life App
Self Help and The Destructive Ego app is the most important tousbecause these self help apps or destroying the ego will be usedtohelp yourself. So, for this reason, We should learn self helpbooksfree or self destructive ego app for the development ofourSelf-help. Self Help and The Destructive Ego, This bookcontainsproven steps and strategies on how to identify which waysyour egois harming you in life and take control back. We will goovermultiple areas of your life that could use improvement andsimple,easy to understand ways to fix them. Many people are goingthroughlife struggling unnecessarily, all because they don’trealize whatthe ego is, how to recognize it, and how to get itunder control.Many apps like self help books offline or self helpdiary or selfhelp depression You get on online but this Self Helpand TheDestructive Ego app is a unique app for your self-helpbecause itis an offline app that reduces our internet data andreduces ourdaily coast. ☑ Disclaimer: The data collected isprovided free ofcharge for informational purposes only, with noguarantee ofwhatsoever for accuracy, validity, availability, orfitness for anypurpose. Use it at your own risk. This app has noaffiliation orrelation with any of the social media brands.
Boost Your Self-Confidence (Offline) 1.3
Happy Life App
As we know, a person grows whenever he or she thinks, contemplates,and dreams. Your ideas, reflections, morals & values, and evenrandom thoughts can build your self-confidence, but you have to beaware of them to get the full benefit. Research tells us that thehuman brain can think of five to nine things at the same time, soit can be a bit challenging to isolate and identify theconfidence-building thoughts from those that do you no good. Formany who live with doubt, or are in challenging situations,believing that they are even capable of feeling confident can bedifficult. Expert recommend that, if you are feeling this way, youfind some quiet reflection time to help you see that somewhereinside you lies a confident thought or two. And that is all youneed to get to the next level. This Boost Your Self Confidence appis a real self-confidence booster in real life. In self-confidencechallenge, you have to know the best way of self-confidenceexercise through self-confidence meditation. This self-confidenceapp offline is not a self-confidence quotes app or self-confidencestories app but it is a real guideline of 100 ways to build upself-confidence. Most raising question about self-confidence is howto boost self-confidence in a short period. Then this answer mightbe this Boost Your Self Confidence app. With this boost yourself-confidence and change your life app you can boost yourself-confidence in public speaking, improve your self-confidence inreading, writing, and raising your self-confidence in theeconomical sector. Sometimes you need to boost your self-esteemwhen you have to know how to boost your self-esteem after abreakup, how to boost your self-confidence at work, or boost yourself-esteem and confidence after you lose it somehow! So, usingthis app, you must improve your self-esteem and confidence.Specialty of this app: -Simple design with beautiful design -Simpleand attractive design of 100 ways which describe shortly to betterunderstand If you love this app, please evaluate our effort. ☑Disclaimer: The data collected is provided free of charge forinformational purposes only, with no guarantee of whatsoever foraccuracy, validity, availability, or fitness for any purpose. Useit at your own risk. This app has no affiliation or relation withany of the social media brands.
Successful Thinking Strategies 1.5
Happy Life App
Good thinkers are always in demand. A person who knows how mayalways have a job, but the person who knows why will always be hisboss. Good thinkers solve problems, they never lack ideas that canbuild an organization, and they always have hope for a betterfuture. Good thinkers rarely find themselves at the mercy of badpeople who would take advantage of them or try to deceive them.Those who develop the process of good thinking can rulethemselves—even while under an oppressive ruler or in otherdifficult circumstances. In short, good thinkers are successful.I’ve studied successful people for forty years, and though thediversity you find among them is astounding, I’ve found that theyare all alike in one way: how they think! That is the one thingthat separates successful people from unsuccessful ones. And here’sthe good news. How successful people think can be learned. If youchange your thinking, you can change your life! So, successfulthinking strategies has great demand. Successful thinking habitsmake your success based on thinking. As you know, successfulintelligence means thinking analytically creatively and differentlyfrom others. This successful thinking strategies app teach you howto make successful thinking or how to have successful thinking, howsuccessful thinking in life to become great from others. So,positive thinking to become successful in life is an idea todevelop yourself mentally, physically, ideologically, and morally.So, our successful thinking strategies app can make a way for abetter life. Be a successful man and thinking positively like greatpeople you have to learn how to positive thinking can make yousuccessful in every field of life. Great people have successfulcritical thinking ability and their positive thinking was for asuccessful life. If you look thinking of a successful person, youwill see something different from others. If you love our apps,please evaluate our hard work with a positive word. ☑ Disclaimer:The data collected is provided free of charge for informationalpurposes only, with no guarantee of whatsoever for accuracy,validity, availability, or fitness for any purpose. Use it at yourown risk. This app has no affiliation or relation with any of thesocial media brands.
Self Made Millionaires 1.4
Happy Life App
Self Made Millionaire - 21 success secrets of self-mademillionaires What you are about to learn can change your life.These ideas, insights, and strategies have been the springboards tofinancial success for millions of men and women, young and old,rich and poor. These principles are simple, effective, and fairlyeasy to apply. They have been tested and proven over and overagain, and they will work for you if you will take them and applythem in your own life. We are living at the greatest time in all ofhuman history. More people are becoming wealthy today, startingfrom nothing, than ever before imagined. There are more than sevenmillion millionaires in America, most of them self-made, and thenumber is growing by 15 to 20 percent each year. We even haveself-made ten millionaires, hundred millionaires, and more than twohundred billionaires. That's why we made an app about 21 secrets ofself-made millionaires from a self-made millionaire book written bya great author. Be a self made millionaire you have to know a lotabout how to be a self-made millionaire. If you see self mademillionaires list in the globe, you will see a lot of self mademillionaire who are women, self made millionaires under 30 or selfmade millionaires after 50 and eventually they become a billionaireto trillionaire. Their self made millionaire stories are differentfrom others. Their thinking strategies are totally different fromothers. In the world, you can find a good number self mademillionaire percentage and their dedication is completelydifferent. So, your question about self-made millionaires and howthey did it? That's why put 21 secrets of self-made millionaireswith top-secret millionaires strategies with self made millionaireexamples and self-made millionaire business tricks. To become selfmade millionaire by 30 you should follow every secret carefully. Wehope one day you become self-made millionaires and billionaires. Inthe world who is the youngest self made billionaire ever you haveto look their attitude toward others and their business plan iscompletely different. Please evaluate our hard work, with valuablecomments. ☑ Disclaimer: The data collected is provided free ofcharge for informational purposes only, with no guarantee ofwhatsoever for accuracy, validity, availability, or fitness for anypurpose. Use it at your own risk. This app has no affiliation orrelation with any of the social media brands.
Money Making Mind Power Secrets 1.3
Happy Life App
Sometimes money is everything in life. Without money, yourknowledge goes vain. So, making money is a special mind power whichcan't produce everyone. This app is about money-making mind powersecrets. This money-making app will produce a secret idea of how tomake money fast than anyone. A money-making app or a money-makingonline app can give a little money or not but this app onlymoney-making ideas app so that anyone can produce her/his idea andsave money and can enrich a wealthy life. money-making now is notan easy task. You have to know secrets of money making process. Ifyou follow this the secret of money app guideline and ownedyourself the idea which you get from this secrets of money app, weensure that money making secrets will be revealed to you. The moneymaking secrets of a multi-million dollar landscape contractor knowthe secrets of making money or secrets to making money at craps.billionaire money making secrets do not reveal so that you canbuild own idea also, money making secrets they don't want you toknow about because they think that you might be the competitor ofhim. So, we advise you to know about secrets for making moneyonline / offline from this internet money making secrets app ormoney making mind power secrets and be expert on earn money onlinesecrets. ☑ Disclaimer: The data collected is provided free ofcharge for informational purposes only, with no guarantee ofwhatsoever for accuracy, validity, availability, or fitness for anypurpose. Use it at your own risk. This app has no affiliation orrelation with any of the social media brands.
How To Think Big And Grow Rich 1.9
Happy Life App
Thinking big is a special quality of successful people in theworld. Their thinking strategy must be different from generalpeople. The properly know how to think bigger or how to thinkcritically. So, we bring a big app for our user name Think big andGrow Rich. To read this think big and grow rich book app you canlearn how to think fast, how to think big, how to think clearly,how to think deep, how to think outside the box, or how to thinklike a genius. If you know how to think right, how to thinkstraight, how to think when you draw then you will be able to thinkbig and your dream will be big. This think big offline book is thekey point of think and grow rich original, or think and grow richebook. So, this think big and grow rich ebook app must help tothink and act like the most successful and highest-paid people inevery field. Evaluate our hard work to read this How To Think BigAnd Grow Rich app content. ☑ Disclaimer: The data collected isprovided free of charge for informational purposes only, with noguarantee of whatsoever for accuracy, validity, availability, orfitness for any purpose. Use it at your own risk. This app has noaffiliation or relation with any of the social media brands.
Daily Self-Discipline (offline) 1.4
Happy Life App
Most of the people haven’t always been a disciplined person. In thepast, someone couldn’t follow even the simplest routines. He/shehad an unhealthy diet, exercised little (and hence, wasoverweight), and didn’t have the discipline to commit to theprocess of changing themself. Today, they follow a strict routine.They have a morning routine, go to the gym three times a week, andregularly practice several other sports including tennis, cycling,and swimming, etc. They maintain a healthy diet and constantly workon new, challenging goals to become a better person. It took themyears before they finally understood what discipline is and how toapply it in their situation. Now they’d like to share what they’velearned with you. This daily discipline app will guide you with abetter-disciplined life with a good discipline planner ordiscipline tracker. You might be found self discipline free booksor self discipline book online or offline but this daily selfdisciplined is completely different from those self disciplinebooks. We put actual self discipline definition, self disciplinearticles, self discipline examples, self discipline and selfcontrol methods with self discipline tracker. After reading andobey these rules and become a self disciplined person then youunderstood the power of self discipline. This daily self disciplinehabits set a few self discipline goals with the self disciplineblueprint or self discipline guide. This self discipline handbookdesign for beginners to mature. A few questions might arise in yourmind that is self discipline good or bad? What's the benefits ofself discipline? What's the success story of self discipline andyou might think that i have no self discipline or i don't have selfdiscipline or i struggle with self discipline then this all query'sanswer prepared this app. -Please evaluate our hard work if you getbenefited with this app. Disclaimer: The data collected is providedfree of charge for informational purposes only, with no guaranteeof whatsoever for accuracy, validity, availability, or fitness forany purpose. Use at your own risk. This app has no affiliation orrelation with any of social media brands.
Neuro Active Brain Training 1.0
Happy Life App
Neuro Active Brain Training with Neurobic Exercises to HelpPreventMemory Loss and Increase Mental Fitness. As the populationgrowingapproaches middle age and beyond, the issue of preservingmentalpowers throughout greatly increased life spans has reachedanalmost fever pitch. There is a growing interest in—andoptimismabout—preserving and enhancing the brain’s capabilitiesinto senioryears. With the help of powerful new tools of molecularbiology andbrain imaging, neuro scientists around the world havebeen lookinginto the mind as it thinks. Almost daily, they arediscovering thatmany of the negative myths about the aging brainare, indeed, onlymyths: “Older and wiser” is not just a hopefulcliche but can bethe reality. In much the same way that you canmaintain yourphysical well-being, you can take charge of yourmental health andfitness using our Neuro Active Brain Training app.Although new andtherefore not yet proved by a large body of tests,Neurobics isbased on solid scientific ground; it is an excitingsynthesis ofsubstantial findings of the brain that provides aconcrete strategyfor keeping the brain fit and flexible as you growolder. ☑Disclaimer: The data collected is provided free of chargeforinformational purposes only, with no guarantee of whatsoeverforaccuracy, validity, availability, or fitness for any purpose.Useit at your own risk. This app has no affiliation or relationwithany of the social media brands.
Self Improvement - build up self-confidence 1.3
Happy Life App
Do you know what is the self-improvement? Self-improvement istheimprovement of one's knowledge, status, or character byone'sefforts. It's the quest to make ourselves better in any andeveryaspect of life. Self-improvement almost always startswithself-awareness and the ability to transform your habits. Inthisapp Self Improvement - build up self-confidence we tried togivebest to improve yourself in every facet of your life. We madethisapp from best self-improvement books so that any user can buildupself-confidence, improve self-discipline, and improve themselvesinevery arena of life. This self-improvement app has a fewfeaturesto develop themself as well as learn how toimproveself-confidence, daily self-development tips,self-developmentquotes, self-confidence exercises, self-confidencehypnosis,self-confidence shayari, self-confidence status, etc. Thisselfimprove app has a vision to take self-confidence challenges whoarenot conscious about themself to improve their self-confidencesothat we made this app from top self-development books. So,usersdon't need to get help/read self-confidence books except thisapp.Also, this self-improvement app is all about ‘you’ and how youcanchange dimensions to look ahead to a better future. Theupcomingself-improvement chapters are a complete guide so that youcan setyourself in a new direction. After all, success is all abouthavingthe right paradigm shift! If you love this app, pleaseevaluate ourhard work to define what about this app. Yourinspiration willboost our self-confidence. Thank you. ☑ Disclaimer:The datacollected is provided free of charge for informationalpurposesonly, with no guarantee of whatsoever for accuracy,validity,availability, or fitness for any purpose. Use it at yourown risk.This app has no affiliation or relation with any of thesocialmedia brands. Applink:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.happylife.self_improvement_courses
The Origins of Christianity 1.2
Happy Life App
WHAT IS THE ORIGIN OF CHRISTIANITY? The roots of Christianity lieinthe Jewish idea of the Messiah coming as a savior for thepeople.When Jesus Christ came to preach his Gospel to the masses,he wonthe hearts of the people.Christianity went from intensepersecutionto become the largest religion in the world. The threedenominationsof Christianity have different beliefs, but all arecentered on thebelief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. What doyou believe?What is the origin of Christianity and how has ithelped you in yourreligious life? Leave us a comment and let usknow. christianityhistory is the most important part of the world.So, We should Knowchristianity books or christianity books free sothat we knowlifestyle christianity and the history of Christian...the originsof christianity app are one of the most important forChristianBecause This app contains the historical origins ofchristianity andthe history of christianity and lifestyle ofChristian. We also areknown in this app the origin of christianeducation and the originof christian ethics and the history ofearly christianity. Many Appsor Books We get on Online like aschristianity books free orchristianity books or christianityhistory But appropriate Apps orBooks are not available in Online.So, for this reason, We madechristian apps free for all. Christianbooks free app is the mostimportant for Christian. So We hope thisapp fulfill their demand. ☑Disclaimer: The data collected isprovided free of charge forinformational purposes only, with noguarantee of whatsoever foraccuracy, validity, availability, orfitness for any purpose. Use itat your own risk. This app has noaffiliation or relation with anyof the social media brands.
Design Your Own Life 1.3
Happy Life App
Design Your Own Life App Teaching You How to Create a MeaningfulLife, Advance Your Career, and Live Your Dreams. Putting "pen topaper" to share with the world how to design a life that works foryou & give you the unique opportunity to look back over thelast few years and review the process here (Design Your Own Life)used to create the designed life which most successful people livetoday. The process outlined in this app Design Your Own Life helpedyou to embrace your true definition of success and abandon the"should" of the world. This Design Your Own Life app gave up whatothers said you should want, should do, and should have for theamazing life I live today. The design your own life plan should bea unique characteristic which has not been practiced inundisciplined life before. This app Design Your Own Life will guideyou to design your own lifestyle again. The question may arise toyour mind that how would you design your own de-developed lifeagain? or how to start a meaningful life? or what does a meaningfullife mean? These all question's answers are fulfilled by this app.So, design your own life planner or design your own game of life/design your own bag for life might be a unique real try to overcomeall difficulties in your life. If you don't design your own lifeplan or if you don't design your own life in a difficult positionor unsuccessful state you can't make a meaningful life. Thequestion may arise again that is your life meaningful? or are youliving a meaningful life? what does meaningful life mean to you?The answer can vary from expert to expert but this app Design YourOwn Life gives you a clear concept about these questions. If youlove our app, don't go away without giving your valuable thinkingabout this app. ☑ Disclaimer: The data collected is provided freeof charge for informational purposes only, with no guarantee ofwhatsoever for accuracy, validity, availability, or fitness for anypurpose. Use it at your own risk. This app has no affiliation orrelation with any of the social media brands. App link:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.happylife.design_your_own_life☑ Disclaimer: The data collected is provided free of charge forinformational purposes only, with no guarantee of whatsoever foraccuracy, validity, availability, or fitness for any purpose. Useit at your own risk. This app has no affiliation or relation withany of the social media brands.
Failure to Success (Offline) 1.2
Happy Life App
Failure means a lack of success. The logical assumption thatfollows is that you’re only successful when you reach your endgoal. In other words, the process doesn’t matter. It’s spelled outin black or white terms: it’s either success or it’s a failure.This dis-empowering definition is one of the primary reasons whypeople fear and despise failure. Failure to Success (Offline) isnot a failure to success quotes app but it is full of failure tosuccess examples, failure to success stories, failure and successquotes, failure to success article, failure and success essay, etc.This app made from failure to success book failure to successstories. Failure and success is a common phenomenon where a storyof failure to success is also a very common story in the world. Afailure to succeed in business is commonly seen in our worldbecause of failure a key to success. As we know that failurecreates success or failure comes success/failure drives successwhen people engaged the work after failing the starter point.He/she never give up after a failure. In this Failure to Success(Offline) app, we described a few things to emphasize the matterlike, failure leads to success definition, failure leads to successexamples, failure success happiness, failure key to success, greatfailure is key to success quotes with success stories. In thisFailure to Success (Offline) app, notes that failures are the keyto success based thoughts on success. This app defining successwith the habits of successful people. Be a successful man in everystep she/he should know what success is and he/she has to knowsuccess planner based on successful people, draw a map of the roadto success, way to success, the secret of success, steps tosuccess, success habits, the law of success, the seven spirituallaws of success, etc. ☑ Disclaimer: The data collected is providedfree of charge for informational purposes only, with no guaranteeof whatsoever for accuracy, validity, availability, or fitness forany purpose. Use it at your own risk. This app has no affiliationor relation with any of the social media brands.
Change Your Thinking Change Your Mind 1.3
Happy Life App
The human brain is the most important tool we have. It’smoreimportant than any technology, device, or instrument. We’rebornwith this great tool, but we don’t know how to use itproperly.We’re highly impractical beings. We think that we’re goodthinkers,but research paints a different picture. We think we makepracticaldecisions that we base on logic. But that’s not the case.It’s safeto say we’re not practical thinkers! The proof of that isthe listof more than a hundred cognitive biases (or thinkingerrors) thatscientists have found over the last century. We oftenmakedecisions based on gut feelings, emotions, and without havingtheright information. There are a lot of apps about think positiveorchange your thinking, and better thinking and decision making.Buthad one problem with all the apps in this field that theyweren’tpractical. We couldn’t find a practical app that explainedhow tochange the way you think in practice as we did in this'Change YourThinking Change Your Mind' app. That’s why we made thisapp. Itcontains everything about thinking. Our goal is to give youatleast one idea that you can use to improve your thoughts,andconsequently, your life, business, or career. That’s why weshareand put all the best ideas here about think positiveaffirmations.Someone says that I can't think straight or can'tthink straightanymore and they don't think smart but everyoneshould thinkstraight talk straight or think straight feel great. Inthis app,we put the best advice about think straight to changeyourthoughts. If anyone can change thinking then he can changehislife. So, we can say thinking for a change with build smartideas.And we hope this app 'Change Your Thinking Change Your Mind'servesas an anchor to you—especially during trying times. To keepthisapp practical, we combine theory, stories, and personalexperiencesto share advice you can apply (or not). The first ideawe want toshare is that these types of apps only work if you’reopen-minded.If you think that’s not you right now, I can save youan hour ofyour life. Just get rid of this app. ☑ Disclaimer: Thedatacollected is provided free of charge for informationalpurposesonly, with no guarantee of whatsoever for accuracy,validity,availability, or fitness for any purpose. Use it at yourown risk.This app has no affiliation or relation with any of thesocialmedia brands.
মহানবী হযরত মুহাম্মাদ সাঃ এর জীবনী 1.1.9
Happy Life App
রাসুল (সাঃ) বিদায় হজ্বের সময় বলেছেন ,যারা আল্লাহর কিতাব ওনবীরসুন্নাহ আকড়ে ধরবে তারা পথভ্রষ্ট হবেনা।আর রাসুলের সমগ্র জীবন টাছিলসুন্নাহ।তার জীবন কে ফলো করার জন্য তার জীবনি প্ড়ার বিকল্পনাই।আমাদের এই অ্যাপ টী হচ্ছে হযরত মোহাম্মদ (সাঃ) এর জীবনীনিয়ে।অ্যাপটিতে তথ্য নেয়া হয়েছে বিভিন্ন জায়গা থেকে, কোরআনশরীফ,,হাদীসের বিভিন্নসহীহ গ্রন্থ থকে এ তথ্য নেয়া হয়েছে .অ্যাপ্টইপড়লে জানতে পারবেনঃমহানবী সাঃ নবীর পূর্ণাঙ্গ জীবনী, রাসুলসাঃ জীবনী ওশিক্ষা ,মহানবীরজীবনী - নবীর সুন্নাত, হযরত খাদিজা (রা:) এর জীবনী,রাসুলুল্লাহ (স)এর উপদেশমালা, ।রাসুল (সাঃ) এর জন্ম,রাসুল সাঃ এরমৃত্যু . নবীদেরজীবন কাহিনী বা নবী ও রাসুলের জীবনি অফুরন্ত শিক্ষারউৎস। ইসলামেরকাহিনী শিক্ষার অফুরন্ত উৎস। হাদিসের গল্প তে অনেক নবীদেরজীবন কাহিনীপাওয়া যায়। বাচ্চাদের মানসিক বিকাশের জন্য পবিত্রআলরাসুলের জীবনকথাইত্যাদি।আর সর্বপরি রাসুল সাঃ এর জীবনি তো সবাইকে ইজানতে হবে ।আমরাবাচ্চাদের কে ছোটবেলা থেকে রাসুলের জীবনী পড়তে দিব।তাই অ্যাপ্টি ভাললাগলে অবশই রেটিং দিবেন।এবং যেকোন ভুল ত্রুটি ধরিয়েদিবেন।কেননা মানুষমাত্রই ভুল করে। In this app we have discussedabout Life story ofProphet Muhammad (sm), Noor Nobi, BengaliBiography of ProphetMuhammad (sm), Life of Prophet Muhammad PBUH isto be known of allthe people. Though our app is on only ProphetHazrat Muhammad (sm).Hope that all information will be helpful.hazrat muhammadsallallahu alaihi wasallam ‘’s life story in banglais an islamicapps in bangla is the guide line of all muslims aswell as nonmuslims. Here we presented details of nobijir jibonimohammadsallallahu alaihi wasallam. Prophet Muhammad (sm)(rasulullah)muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam history in banglahave shownthe best practice of every part of human life as well asfamilylife, social life and as a leader. If you like this appplesedownload this app and ratting us.thank you everyone.thank youverymuch.